Tag: travel


We spent the day in Frankfurt yesterday.  It was allright, but perhaps I would have liked the city more if I had not been awake for over a day.  Also, it’s a hub city.  Put some signs around town to tell us where things are, Germans!  Couldn’t find the Main river.  Oh well.

Temperature was HOT.  30 c (90f).  We went to a kids’ museum, ate frankfurters (what else?) and walked around until we couldn’t stay awake anymore and headed back to the airport.  I sacrificed a really nice skirt and shirt, plus a scarf to the people of Frankfurt when it was so hot that I accidently left them on a bench.  Enjoy.


Berlin 2012

Måns and I have just returned home from our 12th anniversary trip to Berlin! We stayed in an apartment located in East Berlin which was actually a very beautiful part of town.  We went to the top of the T.V. Tower, saw pieces of the wall and even visited the Stasi museum (East German Secret Police) – though I was disappointed there was no gift shop at the Stasi museum.  I would have enjoyed buying a secret camera tie.

Italy October 2011

We have spent the last week on vacation in Italy.  The weather was wonderful and it only rained one day!  We stayed in our own house high up on a mountain.  We met wild boars, goats, donkeys and mysterious monster goat creatures along with a scorpion who came to say hello in our bathroom.

We were by the Mediterranean Sea and took a day to visit Monaco and France which were both just an hour away.  Monaco was very pretty – a small city in the mountain facing the sea.  Lots of yachts, casinos and fountains.  Very pretty, even though our pizza and sodas cost 60 Euros.

Nice was much bigger than I thought.  There was a beautiful beach with smooth rocks and the most tropical blue color we’ve ever seen.  The boys had a great time splashing around there.

It was a great trip and we got in lots of relaxing at the house and by the pool.  Already planning the next trip!